Korkeakoulujen tietoturvaajat is a co-produced podcast on information security in higher education institutions – this year’s last episode is out now

25.11.2024 - 12:10

Every episode of the Korkeakoulujen tietoturvaajat featured a guest from a different university – in the last episode from the University of Helsinki.

At the joint meeting of YO-ISAC (a trust network of Finnish university Information Security Managers) and FUCIO (a network of Finnish Universities’ Chief IT Officers) in March 2024, the University of Helsinki presented the idea of launching a joint podcast on information security in the higher education environment. The idea was received positively. The first episode was published during the national Digital Security Week at the beginning of October 2024.

Today, this year’s fifth, and last, episode was published. In it, Jussi-Pekka Järvinen, Head of Training at Educational Technology Services, and Kenneth Kahri, Information Security Manager, both from the University of Helsinki, discussed information security and the use of generative AI in higher education institutions. In addition, Anna Alaraappana, a member of the Board of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki, gives a student’s perspective on the topic. 

Listen to the latest episode below (in finnish), the rest of the episodes you will find in Soundcloud!

What is Korkeakoulujen tietoturvaajat all about?

The Korkeakoulujen tietoturvaajat podcast aims to highlight information security and various related themes in higher education institutions through discussion and perspectives from different institutions. Information security experts, teaching staff and students have been interviewed in the episodes.

Five episodes have been published during the autumn, covering topics such as information security threats, information security communications and the competence needs of future information security professionals in higher education institutions. The podcast will continue with new episodes in spring 2025. The episodes will be published on Soundcloud.

In addition to the University of Helsinki, the episode contributors in autumn 2024 have included Tampere University, the National Defence University, the University of Lapland and the University of Jyväskylä.

Reading tips as part of the podcast

In each podcast episode, guests have been given the opportunity to give tips on an article, book, podcast or other work related to information security. The only restriction was that there should be a connection to information security – fictional works were also allowed.

Here are a few of the tips given:

  • “I recommend Ilkka Remes’s Horna series if you want to know what happens if everything goes wrong in the cyber world. Particularly the second book in the series, Jäätyvä helvetti, is a good description of how dependent we are on different digital systems.”
    Lecturer Panu Moilanen, University of Jyväskylä

(Remes, Ilkka. Horna trilogy: Horna, Jäätyvä Helvetti, Kiirastuli. Helsinki: WSOY, 2022.  https://finna.fi/Record/fikka.5580199?sid=4864566034)

  • “Darknet Diaries podcast, especially episodes 54, 73 and 72, but if you want to sleep the next night, don’t listen to them!”
    IT Security Manager Pekka Halmkrona, University of Lapland

(Darknet Diaries podcast, https://darknetdiaries.com/)

  • “Suvereenit hiekkamadot is about Russia’s cyber activities. Russia’s cyber operations during the war of aggression in Ukraine are under special attention. Cyber warfare is described in more detail, so I recommend reading this.”
    Chief Security Officer Samu Hannukainen, National Defence University

(Kukkola, Juha. 2024. Suvereenit hiekkamadot: Venäjän kybertoiminta osana valtioiden välistä kamppailua 2000-luvulla. https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-25-3437-1)

More tips can be found in the podcast episodes!

All tips are also listed at the bottom of the podcast’s information page: https://blogs.helsinki.fi/korkeakoulujentietoturvaajat/

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