
The University of Helsinki IT Center offers extensive and modern IT services for the most common needs of the students, researchers, teachers, and other staff.

Application development service

Service for the development of customised applications needed by the university and university users for which no product is offered by commercial producers. The service is subject to a charge.

Application maintenance

Minor modifications and maintenance of finished applications produced in the Application development service.

Back-up copying

Back-up copying of the data content of servers according to the agreed schedule as well as restoration of data when necessary. Servers owned by units may also be connected to the service.


The opportunity to keep public logs in the university’s blog service using the WordPress platform.

Centralised user authentication

A joint authentication system used in the University’s network services and information systems, allowing the use of several services with a single sign-on. Also includes the administration of access rights to the systems.

Container platform service

A platform for running IT applications or systems implemented by using container technology.

Customer service tools

Standard tools and processes for providing customer service at the university

Data center service

The data center service offers the university units the opportunity to bring their own servers to the data center of the IT Center.

Database service

A service for units needing database space for their own applications.

Efecte ITSM

Service management system


The service includes email routing, virus and spam filtering, mailing lists, personal mailbox, shared mailbox, and securemail.

Endpoint and asset management of workstations

Automated management of workstations, including application and operating system installations and updates.

Firewall service

A firewall makes it possible to isolate a secure network from the rest of the data network for use by research laboratories, for example.


The university’s intranet and official main channel for internal communications. Divided into service pages and unit-specific sites.

Form for confidential surveys

A browser-based secure service for building surveys and collecting their data.

Funet Filesender

Funet FileSender is a secure way to share large files with anyone.

Group storage space

A service for user groups needing shared storage space on a network disk only visible to a limited group of users.


Support for the university’s joint IT services. Support is provided by phone, e-mail and chat-service.

ID Point identification

Information desks located on campuses which provide the opportunity for the verification of identity for phone contacts to the Helpdesk when confidential information is required. Useful in matters related to the user account, for example.

Information security consultation

Advisory, assessment and training services relating to information security planning.

Integration service

A service for exchanging data between data systems.

IT Helpdesk instructions site

Instructions site for the most frequently used software and IT services.

Laptop Lender

A laptop lending service for University students and staff.

Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Apps is a cloud service providing office and communications tools needed in daily work and studies regardless of time, place and device.

Monitoring of information systems

Monitoring of the university’s network connections and information systems as well as own applications of the university’s units based on a separate agreement.

Moodle learning environment

A learning environment on the web for the organisation of web courses and sharing of course materials.

Personal storage space

Space on the network disk reserved for the storage of personal files of every holder of the university’s actual user account.

Remote access to the network and materials

Remote access connections to the university network over a VPN connection. Although most of the university services may be used directly over the internet, a secure connection to the university is needed for the use of some internal services.

Scientific computing services (HPC)

The service covers the use of the university's own scientific computing clusters and storage environment, as well as support for computing software.

Server administration

Server space included in administration for the units’ own applications. The servers are mainly existing servers and web hotels of the IT Center.

Server storage space

Storage space for units in the IT Center’s centralised disk systems. A separate server may also be provided.

Solution consultation

A service for surveying the IT needs of units and research groups and on how to resolve them.

Storage and backup of research data

Storing research-related data in the university’s and its partner’s systems and back-up.

Student’s digital skills

A technical platform and studying materials for taking the Student’s digital skills, a compulsory course for all undergraduate degree students (DIGI-A orientation and DIGI-B advanced skills). In some degree programmes the advanced Skills course is substituted by a course from the degree programme in question.

Support for acquisitions

A support service for major IT acquisitions of units. The service comprises, for example, assistance for the preparation of requests for tenders and competitive bidding.

Support for IT projects

Support service for the university’s significant IT projects.

Support for the accessibility of information systems

The service helps the persons responsible for the University's information systems assess the compliance of their service with the accessibility requirements.

The official website of the University of Helsinki

The official website of the University of Helsinki provides the main channel for external communications. The site is divided into service pages for the entire university and unit-specific sites.

Tools for corporation

Network services for the creation and publication of shared content and for cooperation between university staff and students and stakeholders.


Unitube is a service for producing, publishing and viewing video material. It consists of Unitube Viewer, Unitube Uploader as well as Unitube Studio and Unitube Lecture Recording Rooms.

Video Conferencing

A real-time video and audio connection between two or more participants on their personal devices or across multiple university premises.

Wired network connections

The service is responsible for the operation of the university’s network connections.

Wireless network connections

Wireless connections to the internet and the university’s network services.