Moodle learning environment

Service status
4 - In use
Service is meant for
Short description

A learning environment on the web for the organisation of web courses and sharing of course materials.

Service description

Moodle is an open source code learning environment on the web administered by the University of Helsinki. It can be used for organising web courses, sharing information and materials related to courses, organising web discussions, assigning tasks and organising polls and tests.

A valid University of Helsinki user account or, in the case of members of HAKA and eduGAIN trust networks, a valid user account is needed for the use of Moodle.

The Moodle service is implemented in cooperation with the Educational Technology Services and IT Center. Moodle can be found at

How to take the service into use

Moodle areas can be ordered by University of Helsinki staff members. To place an order, go to the Moodle main page at and use the order form of the “Instructions for teachers” area on the right.


The user shall comply with the university IT systems’ terms of use. The terms of use can be found at… .

The teacher responsible for the course is responsible for archiving the materials of the course area. Course areas are automatically purged at regular intervals.

The IT Center is responsible for the technical operation of Moodle and the development of services.

The Educational Technology Centre is responsible for Moodle user training, pedagogic support and the production of support materials for teachers.

User support

Moodle support is available for students from the IT Center’s Helpdesk at and for teachers at the Educational Technology Services (

An extensive Finnish guide for teachers can be found at

Quick guides and Student guides can be found at

Service provider
Opetus- ja opiskelijapalvelut
Service owner
Jussi-Pekka Järvinen | Poissa
Service manager
Lena Selänne

Basic service provided free of charge.

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