Landing pages

Landing pages include lists of links collected by the administration by topic. The pages contain the most important instructions. All instructions can be found using the search. 

Connections and communications

This guide includes the most important instructions related to connections and communications. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

Connections from outside the University

The use of some of the University’s online services is limited to the university network for licence-related reasons. These services include the databases and electronic journals offered by the library. To use these services on a computer outside the university network, you are required to establish a secure connection between your home computer and the university server.

The most common technology for establishing such a connection is VPN (Wikipedia). To use a VPN connection, you need a valid university username. Check the installation instructions for different operating systems.

Some of the

For new University staff and students

This guide includes the most important instructions related to the use of information technology for new University staff and students. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

The IT instructions of the University of Helsinki are mainly available on this instructions site, which is open to everyone. Please note that the instructions often include a short quick guide and longer instructions with images. Some instructions also include video tutorials

Information security at the University

This page provides further details about information security collected from the Helpdesk site, Student’s digital skills and Flamma. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

Instructions for remote working

The purpose of this page is to describe remote access to IT services offered by the University of Helsinki and provide guidance in their use. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

Microsoft 365

This guide includes the most important instructions related to Microsoft 365 -mail. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

Sign in

Cannot sign in to the cloud email? Please enter an account in the form (e.g.

Read more about Microsoft 365

Logging in to university services

  • You can log in to nearly all university services using the standard format: username (for example, rkeskiva)
  • eduroam credentials: (for example,
  • Microsoft 365 credentials: (for example,

NB! Your email will be in the format (for example

Microsoft 365 services

Microsoft 365 is a toolkit of the university, creating mutual electronic office tools and a calendar for the use of everyone at the university. Microsoft 365 has a number of services necessary in everyday work, such as e-mail, calendar, instant message and web meeting services as well as information distribution and social media tools. This guide includes the most important instructions related to Microsoft 365 services. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT

Mobile devices

As mobile devices and smartphones have become more common, new possibilities and new challenges have arisen. One of the greatest challenges is information security, the importance of which is emphasised as the amount of data and ways of using the systems are expanding. Although the importance of technical information security must not be underestimated, a large part of information security consists of the user’s own actions.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

This landing page contains links to all the University's MFA instructions. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) improves information security by making scam attempts more difficult for cybercriminals. You can choose to ask for authentication requests every 90 days per device to avoid receiving the requests continuously. MFA is a feature that provides additional security when logging in to many of the University's


This guide includes the most important instructions related to passwords. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk. The password linked to the University’s user account is valid for one year at a time. Of course, you can change your password more often for information security reasons. 

The password reset application is available at

NB! University Mac users should use these instructions to change their password (and avoid several

Printing in the University

These instructions explain the general practices related to printing and scanning at the University of Helsinki.

If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

Remote access to university services

Sometimes you may need to use the university’s internal databases, directories or certain online services from outside the university (e.g., your home directory or SAP). In that case, you need to connect to the university network. For that, you need to establish a secure (encrypted) communication channel, a so-called VPN tunnel. The university offers several options to achieve this. With a VPN client, your home directory will appear as a network drive on your computer.

This guide includes the most important instructions related to remote access to university services. You can find more help

Resources for Research

The University offers storage facilities, data processing environments, high-performance computing services and solution consultation for the special needs of research and cooperation. You will find links to detailed instructions and presentations on this page. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

We also recommend that you take a look at the table, which gives you a quick overview of the services offered and their suitability for confidential

Saving and sharing information

This guide includes the most important instructions related to saving and sharing information. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

The university enables the use of various network drives for individual or group work on both university computers and home computers. In addition to home and group directories, work files can be saved on your computer or external storage media. Different types of storage media have different features. Some are designed

User accounts

This guide includes the most important instructions related to user accounts. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

In their work or studies, University staff and students require a username and related password to access the University of Helsinki IT systems. The primary account is the “AD account”, with which you log in to the University computers and the most common network services, such as email and Flamma.

Wireless networks at the University of Helsinki

This guide includes the most important instructions related to wireless networks at the University of Helsinki. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.