For new University staff and students

For new University staff and students

This guide includes the most important instructions related to the use of information technology for new University staff and students. You can find more help from this instructions site by using, for example, the search. If you cannot solve the problem with the instructions, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Helpdesk.

The IT instructions of the University of Helsinki are mainly available on this instructions site, which is open to everyone. Please note that the instructions often include a short quick guide and longer instructions with images. Some instructions also include video tutorials. The instructions are on different tabs of the same site.

To access some of the instructions, you have to log into Flamma, the University’s intranet. You can log into Flamma when you have a University user account.

User account

A user account is almost always required for using the University’s different IT systems. All University staff and students should hold some type of a user account. Applications for user accounts should be submitted to the University of Helsinki’s IT Center.

You can find out more about user accounts on the User accounts landing page.

Logging into University services

Different services require a user account and a username in a specific format.

  • You can log in to nearly all university services using the standard format: username (for example, rkeskiva)
  • eduroam credentials: (for example,
  • Microsoft 365 services: (for example,

NB! Your email will be in the format (for example


An email address ending in is connected to the username of each University student and member of staff. You can read your email with any email application or through the browser-based Outlook Web App (OWA).

Your email will be in the format (for example

Microsoft 365 is the electronic service package for University staff and students, which includes email, calendar and many other useful services for working and studying at the University.

The email works in the browser in the address

Remote access to home directories and group disk spaces


Printing landing page

Software and applications

Software to the University computer

Software to home computer

The IT center has acquired extended licences for many software suites in use at the university, also covering use on the students' own computers. The programs intended for home use may be downloaded through software distribution. The software is only intended for use by the staff and students of the University of Helsinki.

Passing these programs or parts of them to people outside of the University of Helsinki is strictly forbidden!

Additional information on the purchase, licences and possible home use rights of applications and software is available on Flamma (requires logging in).

Equipment and tools

Your supervisor probably has the equipment and tools you require for your work ready. However, here are some purchase instructions:

Look out for announcements!

The IT Center provides information on changes and renewals of IT services in all its normal communication channels:

Make a habit of regularly following one of the above-mentioned channels. These channels also offer a plentiful amount of other IT-related information that will boost your working.

User support

You can find IT instructions on this IT Helpdesk instructions site. The instructions site is available 24/7 without logging in.

User support is available via the IT Helpdesk service. Read the more detailed instructions on how to contact the IT Helpdesk.

Further information

Student’s digital skills
In the University’s IT Services, you can get to know learning materials open to all. The material not only includes an extensive report on the University of Helsinki’s IT environment but also useful facts in layperson’s terms on the use of computers, information security and the basic principles of information retrieval.

Further information is available at

The Studies service
The Studies service brings the student’s most important tools, contents and services into one place. The Studies service allows you to, for example, follow the University’s communications, search for available courses and search for instructions to support your studies. On the My Studies site, you can see your own timetable and, if you want to, you can order the contents of the My Studies calendar to your own electronic calendar. The Services and tools menu allows you to quickly access other university systems and services as well.

The Studies service is available at
You can see the status of the University’s IT services on the site. The site informs you of upcoming and current service breaks that may also affect your work.


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The instructions site of the University of Helsinki's IT Helpdesk helps you with IT-related issues related to your work. Let us know how we can improve our instructions. We greatly appreciate your feedback!

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