Mobile devices

Mobile devices

As mobile devices and smartphones have become more common, new possibilities and new challenges have arisen. One of the greatest challenges is information security, the importance of which is emphasised as the amount of data and ways of using the systems are expanding. Although the importance of technical information security must not be underestimated, a large part of information security consists of the user’s own actions.

These instructions include the best practices concerning the security of smartphones. This list is not designed to be a comprehensive set of information security instructions, but more as an easy-to-read checklist of things to remember. 

Deployment of a smartphone

Please remember that the University’s terms of use also apply to the use of the University’s mobile devices. The mobile device, similar to computers, is meant to be used as a tool in studying, research and management. Minor use for personal purposes is allowed. In addition, it is important to remember that storing material that infringes copyrights in a phone or anywhere else in the University is forbidden.

Luo työpuhelintasi varten oma Google- tai Apple-tili. Tällöin voit asentaa sovellukset ja päivitykset työtiliä käyttäen, sekä pitää työasiasi erillisinä yksityisestä Google- tai Apple-tilistäsi.

Asenna ohjelmia vain puhelimen virallisesta ohjelmakaupasta (Google Play / App Store).

Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for Microsoft 365 services (e.g. Outlook, Teams, OneDrive) was adopted at the University in 2021. With MFA, the University can secure user accounts better than before and, at the same time, significantly improve the University’s information security. 

Read about the deployment in the MFA instructions

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