Our new Support for the Accessibility of IT Systems service helps you assess the accessibility of your systems!

13.06.2024 - 15:16

Do you have questions about system accessibility requirements and how they affect information systems and their development? Our new Support for the Accessibility of IT Systems service assists University application developers and information system owners assess system accessibility.

Ensuring the accessibility of digital services is important to make sure that University systems can be used by everyone. This is particularly important regarding public systems and systems used in teaching, as they are generally covered by the Act on the Provision of Digital Services. Accessibility requirements are therefore dictated by legislation as well.

The Support for the Accessibility of IT Systems service helps University IT systems’ product owners, managers and developers ensure that University systems meet statutory requirements and provide the best possible user experience for everyone. Accessibility must be considered throughout the system’s life cycle, starting with purchasing the system.

If you are responsible for UniversityIT systems, the Support for the Accessibility of IT Systemsservice is available to you by contacting the email address: tike-saavutettavuus@helsinki.fi

The Support for the Accessibility of IT Systems service can help you with the following issues:

  • General accessibility advice
  • Ensuring that accessibility requirements are met when purchasing IT systems
  • Support for purchasing accessibility audits
  • Support for purchasing accessibility training
  • Support for creating accessibility statements
  • Support for accessibility self-assessment


Also read the University’s accessibility guidelines:

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