Unitube Uploader updated – see the new features!

24.01.2023 - 11:42

The IT Center updated Unitube Uploader on 24 January 2023 with new features that make the service easier to use. In addition to improvements visible to University staff and students, Unitube Uploader’s backend system Opencast was updated to version 8 from version 6 during the Christmas break. The new version makes it easier to maintain and develop Unitube and deploy new service features.

Unitube Uploader is the browser interface for Unitube, the University’s video service for downloading, managing and publishing video recordings. Information and instructions on other Unitube functions are available on the IT Helpdesk website.

Improvements to the management and publishing of Unitube videos:

  • Videos can now be uploaded to and published directly in the series instead of requiring processing in the Inbox first.
  • Scheduled email notifications are now sent to video administrators for recordings that are about to expire.
  • A new column indicating the expiration dates of the recordings has been added to recording lists.
  • Videos that are due to expire within three months are highlighted in the recording lists.
  • The series view now has a feature that allows you to set the same expiration date for all recordings in the series at the same time.
  • A new feature that enables videos to be displayed one series at a time on the My Recordings tab has been added. This speeds up the management of large video sets.
  • A refresh button for Unitube series’ metadata has been added. This feature helps resolve any display issues of individual videos in series.

Other improvements:

  • Numerous improvements to accessibility. The service accessibility statement is available in the service (in Finnish – English translation coming soon).
  • Improved service logging in error situations. This facilitates the resolution of service issues detected by University staff and students.
  • The source code of Unitube Uploader has been published openly on GitHub to enable open utilization of the development work.
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