Linux servers and will replace the old unix servers.
Two types of keys are available on both the servers ( and ED25519 and RSA. In addition, an SSH client can use two keys for calculating the fingerprints of different hashes: SHA256 of MD5. Below are different types of fingerprints that the SSH software can display. PuTTY, for example, will probably show the RSA MD5 fingerprint.
Note: the ssh client shows the key in one of the forms listed below, which must match. The key forms not shown by client can be neglected. ( ECDSA SHA256: RbL0y3PLGGYty2dG6VZgzRmJJ/jD26F7OClfDqU/2Ek ECDSA MD5: 70:e3:7b:b0:c0:b9:78:b0:fd:6d:ed:70:3d:49:97:58 ED25519 SHA256: rFvIS2UoOmXUkFI63Ba6+cfPq9iDjvzEqRCp+kWUwZQ ED25519 MD5: 02:66:09:7b:1d:20:c2:fe:f9:46:b9:1f:78:ed:aa:62 RSA SHA256: XxNzyoKN+WAGlO5G5YMrnkzIABEhBQd3Dj21C7E43Cc RSA MD5: 3a:d5:84:4a:64:ab:fd:c9:b5:38:c3:41:e7:bd:fb:4d ( ECDSA SHA256: S9md7bsztpK6KPtC0rFSgf2/c0l61r8DgrFnCG9LMDM ECDSA MD5: da:af:2d:ea:4a:58:1f:d9:80:7d:95:37:0f:4f:08:7d ED25519 SHA256: c/D2jaVunyf285/e+Ddcqt1fqX7tFkBd63LByftyMeA ED25519 MD5: 79:dd:d2:41:1d:71:e1:6f:e3:2b:f4:e8:b7:5e:c9:cf RSA SHA256: 3K59khHjdgvFUmt65JDPxg6IRIuPQzwBRJufL2CJn6E RSA MD5: b8:f6:e3:27:12:13:2f:79:5f:34:a1:34:29:cb:93:0e
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