Logging in and out and switching users

These instructions apply only to staff computers. IT station and classroom computers can be logged in with only one username at a time.

Typically, staff computers are used by only one user. Windows computers remember the most recent user but, in addition, a temporary login, i.e. switching the user temporarily, can be performed in staff computers.

These instructions describe logging in and out and switching users in staff computers.


    • Press Ctrl-, Alt- and Delete.
    • If you can see your account name in the screen:
      • Write to Password field your password.
      • Click Arrow or press Enter.
    • If you see other account name in the screen:
      • Click Switch User.
      • Choose Other User

    See more instructions from Detailed help tab.

    Separate instructions for operating systems:

    Table of contents

    Windows 10

    Sign in

    • Press Ctrl-, Alt- and Delete.
    • If you can see your account name in the screen:
      • Write to Password field your password.
      • Click Arrow or press Enter.
    • If you see other account name in the screen:
      • Click Switch User.
      • Choose Other User
    • Write to User name field your user name (for example rkeskiva).
    • Write your password to the Password field.
    • Click Arrow or press Enter.

    Logging out

    • When you want to log out click Start (1) Person icon (2) and choose Sign out (3).

    You have been logged out from the system.




    You can switch users temporarily on centrally maintained Mac computers.

    • Click the human figure in the top bar and select Login window... in the opening menu.



    • In the login page from the top bar you can also see which usernames are logged in (see above image).
    • You are directed to the login page where you can enter the credentials of another user. Finally, click Enter.


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