Night access keys

Some of the IT facilities are available outside the normal opening hours of properties. University of Helsinki students registered for attendance may apply for the magnetic key allowing the use of such facilities from the Unicafe Kaivopiha, during its opening hours. Please avoid the rush hours.

A night access key will not be granted for Open university students or to students at other universities.

Postgraduate students may be granted a key. However, the students must be able to prove their attendance, which is why they must present their student card (or staff ID card if they are employees).

In unclear cases, please consult the IT Helpdesk.

List of night use facilities and regulations

A list of night use facilities is available in Flamma (requires logging in with university username). Also, the terms of use of night use facilities can be found on the same page.

    Getting the key 

    1. Print and fill in the application form.

    2. Go to service point. The café will check the form, check student card or staff ID card, collect a deposit for the key (€ 25) and give you the key. 

    Returning the key

       If you have a valid username at the university:

    1) Fill in this electronic form (requires logging in with a university username).
    2) Wait for the return message. The message is sent to your address.
    3) Return the key and show the message in service point.

       If you don’t have a valid username at the university:

    1) Fill in this electronic form.
    2) Wait for the return message. The message is sent to the address you have given in the form.
    3) Return the key and show the message in service point.

    Problems with the key?

    Check the following:

    • Check that you are at the right door. Only certain doors of the buildings are available for night access.
    •  Check that you are using the correct reader. There may be several readers at the entrance, only some of which are intended for reading night access keys.
    • The validity of the key may have expired. Check with IT Helpdesk.
    • The key may be broken. Check with IT Helpdesk first. If needed, service point staff will replace the key.

    If you lose the keycard

    If the student loses his/her keycard, he/she must immediately notify Helpdesk (tel. 09 191 55555) so that the keycard can be closed. The student is responsible for everything done with the key until the user account service is notified. If the student has lost the keycard he/she will also lose the deposit. To get a new keycard he/she must pay it again.

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