Your home page folder is located on a separate network drive. Editing the home pages requires that the folder has been set up as a network drive on your computer.
If you want to do this on your home computer, you must first form a remote connection to the university network.
Quick help
Setting up your home page folder as a network drive on your computer
- Click on the computer's desktop or go to Finder, so you can get the correct view to the top menu.
- Choose Connect to Server from the Go menu at the top.
- Into the Server address field in the Connect to Server window, type: smb:// (e.g smb://
- Save the address for later use by clicking the [+] button.
- Click the Connect button.
- A login window will open.
- Make sure that the option As registered user has been selected.
- Type your user name into the Name field
- Type your password into the Password field.
- Click the Connect button.
- Your home page folder will be displayed under Shared in the Finder sidebar.
- Disconnecting the network drive connection is done by clicking the remove disk icon next to the network drive.
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