These instructions are intended for home computers. Please note the installation required administrator rights. Read more about the use of administration rights on the Microsoft site.
Quick help
- Download Eduroam installer from
- Select your organisation (e.g., University of Helsinki) from the list and select Username and password authentication as your profile.
- You can also select Certificate authentication (pilot) , which is easier, but not yet officially supported.
- Enter your username in the format (for example,
- Click on Connect.
- The connection has now been set up, and you can start using eduroam on your device.
See Detailed help for further information
After changing your password, you must identify yourself again in eduroam.
Detailed help
Installing the Eduroam
Download Eduroam installer from Select Windows > Intel/AMD.
Files are downloaded to the Downloads folder by default. Open the folder.
Double-click on the installer file geteduroam.exe. The installation will begin. To begin installing eduroam, click on Connect to eduroam.
ATTN: In case the software asks for a permission to install the certificate HYAD ROOT CA, please grant the permission by clicking Yes.
Select your organisation (e.g., University of Helsinki) from the list. Click on Next.
Select Username and password authentication as your profile. You can also select Certificate authentication (pilot), which is easier, but not yet officially supported.
Click on Next.
Enter your username in the format (for example,
Click on Connect.
The connection has now been set up, and you can close the program by selecting Close. You can start using eduroam on your device.
Video instruction
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