HelsinkiUni Guest visitor network

Visitors who do not have university credentials or e.g. eduroam credentials can join the visitor network.

When using the HelsinkiUni Guest connection, please note:

  • A visitor can use the network for five (5) hours at a time, after which they need to reaccept the terms of use (the number of sessions is not restricted).
  • The session is disconnected after 30 minutes if the user is not using the network.
  • Network traffic speeds are limited.
InfoThe external IP address for HelsinkiUni Guest network traffic is:

The university's coverage is largely the same as that of eduroam, with a few exceptions: 

  • Biomedicum in Meilahti
  • Oral and Dental Centre in Meilahti
  • Viikki Teacher Training School and Helsinki Normal Lyseum

The University of Helsinki has several wireless networks:

    • Select the network HelsinkiUni Guest.
      • If you plan to use this network regularly, you can check the box Connect automatically.
    • Click Connect.
    • Enter the password uniguest
    • You must accept the terms of use before continuing.
    • Read the terms and click Accept / Hyväksy / Godkänn.
    • The connection is established and you can use the network.

    Scan the network information using a QR code

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