Using Cubbli on a Linux home computer
The user must have a university username, a Linux computer at home and a Cubbli computer at work ( Usually, the university’s firewall prevents users from accessing work computers from home using a direct ssh connection. For this reason, a computer with an open ssh port is needed in between. Using with the university username serves this purpose.
If you only need an ssh connection, the command
ssh -t ssh
opens an ssh connection to the work computer, and you only need to enter your password once.
If you need X windowing, the command is
ssh -X -t ssh -X
If you also need to copy files between your home and work computers, create a text file in your home directory ~/.ssh and name it as config. The file should contain the following rows:
Host pangtunnel
LocalForward 1111
User universityusername
Host duuni
Hostname localhost
Port 1111
Forwardx11 yes
User universityusername
Open the ssh tunnel with the command ssh -f -N -q pangtunnel (the password is the password for your user account)
Now you can access your work computer with the following command (alternatively, you can use X windowing and the password for your user account):
ssh duuni
Use the following command to copy files between your home and work computers:
scp homefile duuni:
scp duuni:workfile
(Also in this case, the password is the password for your user account)
You can also transfer files using the gftp graphic program and the following settings:
Host: duuni Port: 1111 User: universityusername Pass: AD password Protocol SSH2
Gftp can also be used on a terminal with an open ssh tunnel using the command ssh -f -N -q pangtunnel