Cubbli (Common Ubuntu based Linux) is the University of Helsinki’s Linux distribution. Based on Ubuntu, Cubbli has been modified to meet the University’s needs.
The currently supported version of Cubbli is 24.04. Version 22.04 only receives information security updates. We recommend that you always use the latest version.
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General information about Cubbli
- Many University staff and students use Unix-based systems and servers, and the University also has its own Cubbli-Linux. The current Cubbli is based on the Ubuntu version 24.04 LTS and has been modified to meet the University’s needs. The default desktop is Unity, but Gnome also comes pre-installed in Cubbli.
- If required, University staff can get Cubbli through IT Helpdesk. Cubbli can only be installed on University-owned devices. On your home computer, you can use a virtual Cubbli (instructions in Cubbli-wiki, available in English).
- Cubbli is centrally managed. The user does not need to worry about the software or information security being up to date.
- Log in to Cubbli with your University user account and get access to the key services provided by the University, including home directories (Z drive) and group disk spaces (P drive), printing to multi-function printers administered by Unigrafia, a VPN connection and an Eduroam connection.
- If any software relevant to research is missing from the basic distribution, you can have it installed by sending a request to
You can submit questions or answer other users’ questions in the Issues service.
Microsoft 365
You can use Microsoft 365 services with a browser at
Cubbli’s default office application suite is LibreOffice. If you need to use Microsoft applications, you can use their OWA versions.
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