
The University enables the use of various network drives for individual or group work on both University computers and home computers. See also the instructions for remote access to University services.

In addition to home and group disk space, work files can be saved on your computer or external storage media. Different types of storage media have different features. For more information on how to choose the most suitable storage medium, see the separate instructions.

Information about various research data services and the opportunity to order them can be found in English at

Read more on “Saving and sharing information” landing page.

    Roaming profile

    A roaming profile is a profile connected to the user and includes, for example, program settings. The profile enables you to use your personal settings on all University workstations. The profile is saved on the server, and its maximum size is 300 MB.

    Roaming profiles are mainly used by students. If you have a staff username, you can enable the profile yourself, but it is not recommended for normal use. Check here if you have a roaming profile in use. You can use the same tool to delete/enable the roaming profile.

    The settings of the following applications will no longer follow the user when they change computers: Skype (not Skype for Business), Corel VideoStudio Pro, Macromedia, Adobe, Document Building Blocks, LiveContent, Virtual Box, OneDrive.

    Home and group disk space

    Home directories

    Group disk space (P drive)

    The IT Services offer University units and workgroups the chance to store and share documents in a separate group disk space. It is a secure storage space for the group, only available for the appointed persons.


    Archiving files

    Some files stored in group disk spaces and the home directory are archived if they have not been actively used.

    USB flash drives and external hard drives

    USB flash drives and external hard drives are convenient tools for storing data. Remember to make back-up copies and keep your storage media safe. The University’s lost-and-found ends up with hundreds of USB flash drives every year.

    Give feedback

    The instructions site of the University of Helsinki's IT Helpdesk helps you with IT-related issues related to your work. Let us know how we can improve our instructions. We greatly appreciate your feedback!

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