Group disk space

A group disk space is a network storage location used jointly by a specific group of users with automatic backups. A group disk space is also called a group directory, a group disk, a network drive or the P drive.

Group disk space access is granted using IAM groups so an IAM group (pre-existing or created for this purpose) is required for disk space users.

A staff member can order a disk space for their group using the order form in the RYHTI tool

Setting up a disk space and increasing the quota

An approval for setting up a disk space and increasing the storage quota must be obtained from service coordinators because group disk spaces are (in principle) a service subject to a charge; see the IT Center’s internal price list in Flamma. The price should not be compared to hard drives intended for home use as in group disk spaces, the data is genuinely secure and, for example, accidentally deleted files can be easily restored from backups.

The group disk space and the data it contains are owned by the University’s unit even if the disk space was made for personal use.

Secure folder

The secure Umpio storage space is a network folder designed for sensitive data. Storage space orders are run by solution consultants as the needs must be processed case-specifically.

    You can place a self-service order for a group disk space according to these instructions.

    NOTE: The group owner is not automatically a group member, so if you want the owner to be able to use the disk, add them as a member.




    Group member

    • A group can include individual members or other groups.
    • The group has an owner who manages the group’s member list with the management tool.
    • Note that the group owner is not automatically a group member – they must be added as members like everyone else.

    Group owner

    • The group owner can add members to the group as well as remove members from the group. Only the owner can see the members of a group starting with “grp” (read more about groups). Everyone can find out the owner of the group with the management tool.
    • Note that the group owner is not automatically a group member.

    The Helpdesk’s instructions for storage and storage media selection

    Group disk space

    Group disk space owner group

    With the RYHTI tool, the members of the owner group can update the basic information of the disk space and manage groups' reading / reading and editing access to the group disk space. Please note that the member list of an access group is controlled by the owner of the group in question. 

    The group that owns a group disk space is notified of its expiry and running out of disk quota.

    Service coordinator

    Why is the group disk space not visible?

    1. Group memberships are only set when logging in. If you have received new rights, they will only take effect once you have logged out and back in.
    2. Check if you are a member of the group that uses the disk space. The group owner can add new members. The owner of the group can be found out with the IAM management tool’s search function.

       NOTE: The group owner is not automatically a group member, so if you want the owner to be able to use the disk, add them as a member.
    3. If necessary, the service coordinator can find out which groups are using a particular group disk space.
    4. The disk space should be automatically visible on standard workstations. In some cases, so-called mapping, i.e. connecting the network drive, may be required, see the instructions:
    5. If you do not know the path to the group disk space, ask your other colleagues using the disk space or ultimately the service coordinator. 

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